Sunday 22 June 2014

Everyone loves a good Audience..........

Even Bloggers do to . So anyone with suggestions for my next topic is welcome to send an email or comment on my blog. I do have a topic in mind so stay tuned for my next post..........

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Tuesday 17 June 2014

Could Adamantium actually exist ?

Could Adamantium actually exist ??

The five materials which have come close to resembling the fictional metal from the Marvel Universe- Adamantium........

Here are some materials which have come close to resembling Adamantium

1) Titanium

Not only light weight but a very strong material. Titanium uses in the modern world are endless, from Aerospace industries to pipes to artificial knee joints......
Titanium is as strong as steel and really light.
Problem with Titanium......

It is very hard to extract from its natural ore. Which also is very expensive.

2) Tungsten 

This hard, dense and strong metal not only resembles the qualities of Adamantium but also has the highest melting point at around 3422 C. It would be the best metal to resemble Adamantium (also has a nice color too...).

Problem with Tungsten.........

It can be attacked by Oxygen and other gasses. If we ever had the technology to put Tungsten in Wolverine his bones and claws would react with the water in his blood !

3) Graphene
 Graphene the single atom thick layer of carbon atoms is really strong and flexible.This allotrope of carbon could be world changing in the coming years.

 4) Liquid metal

 There is a company called Liquid metal which produce an amorphous alloy of three metals (Beryllium, Zirconium, Titanium, Copper, Aluminium......only three at once). Its 2 times stronger than Titanium ......
Its used in cellphones currently....

Problem with Liquid metal
ITS MOLDABLE . Liquid metal is moldable and flexible. SO much for indestructibility.......LOL


5) Modumetal

 Modumetal is the next generation of steel. By using electroplating to coat metals and make them stronger , Modumetal is the closest we have come to Adamantium....

This is short video from is from

Thanks for reading........

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Wednesday 11 June 2014

Could Adamantium actually exist??

Could Adamantium actually exist??

Stay tuned to my blog as I am going to discuss about the 5 metals and alloys (and a non metal) which have come close to the fictional Marvel universe metal Adamantium............

Thursday 5 June 2014

Welcome to HyScience

Hello, Internet Surfers!
My blog HyScience will discuss about the science behind comics,everyday stuff and science fiction. I shall make a video for every topic I discuss so please do check it out....Hope you like my blogs and videos.

Until then...... Happy Surfing