Tuesday 11 November 2014

Underground Nuclear reactor.

Most of you guys may or may not know that i am crazy about nuclear radiation and nuclear physics. Also you might be wondering why haven't I made this blog about that. Well it was a bet with one of my friends and now I cant resist myself (and also lost the bet). Well that is going to be my next post........ Peace out!

Thursday 6 November 2014

Amazing facts to blow your mind #2

Amazing facts to blow your mind #2

  1.  Do you have blue, green or grey eyes? Then you also have a higher tolerance to alcohol.
  2. Hitler original plan After capturing Moscow was to convert it into a big lake.
  3. If you took all the DNA in your body and stretched it, it covers a distance of 10 billion miles. That's Earth to Pluto and back.

  4. Beer is safe to drink even after being exposed to nuclear radiation. Cheers!
  5. The smallest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar and lasted only 38 minutes.
  6. The word "dreamt" is the only English word to end in "mt".
  7. In Canada, the most productive day are Tuesday's.
  8. The first Internet domain was www.symbolics.com on March 15 1985.
  9. The longest English word without vowels is- "twyndyllyngs" which means "Twins"
  10. If we were to shrink the Earth's population down to a hundred, there would be only one person owning a computer.

Sorry guys I am alot busy these days so I couldn't get anything up.Any tips,suggestions or topics are welcome. Here's my Email if you want to email me:

Sunday 7 September 2014

Going Nuclear on Banana’s…….and some other interesting banana stuff

Going Nuclear on Banana’s…….and some other 

interesting banana stuff

Banana’s botanically speaking are actually berries, but that’s not the topic I am going to writing about. In fact I am going to be telling you about how we could actually power our world with bananas. Sounds bananas, right?

Here is another fun fact on bananas…. They are the most radioactive foods we eat. That doesn’t mean that you put a detector near it and it will madly go ticking .Compared to other foods a banana is one of the most radioactive of them all.  From the ground to the Uranium powering nuclear submarines everything is radioactive.  We are constantly bombarded with radiation from outer space i.e. cosmic radiation. This radiation is known as background radiation. Now setting aside this ever present background radiation you must be wondering how in the world is a banana radioactive.
But here are a few more interesting things about bananas and radioactivity…..
1.      Radiation is lethal and it pretty much destroys a living organism. But what if someone was exposed to as many bananas to give radiation sickness. For this to take place you would need a whopping 5 million bananas.
2.      Besides bananas, Brazil nuts are also radioactive since they contain the element Radium in them as they grow in soils containing Radium.
3.      Tobacco is also radioactive again because it grows in soil containing Polonium 210 and excessive smoking leads to lung cancer.

Bananas are one of the richest sources of Potassium in the food group.  Now just like all atoms, Potassium too does have a couple of naturally occurring radioactive isotopes that can be found in bananas.  Potassium 40 is the nasty radioactive isotope who has been messing around with our beloved banana. K40 or Potassium 40 disintegrates or decays by emitting an electron or more scientifically called a Beta particle, or an anti electron (opposite of a electron) and is also known as Antimatter .Don’t panic and  sudden stop buying bananas because there radioactive. Only 0.1% of the potassium in a banana is K 40.This radioactive K40 is just a residue of the formation of earth about 4.5 billion years ago. But it has a half life of 1.25 billion years and is not going anywhere anytime soon.
Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty of this topic: could I make electricity by harnessing the power of the all mighty radioactive banana and maybe power something?
Let’s get down to the math
How many Bananas would I require to produce 2000W of electricity?
But before that let’s get some facts right…..
·         On an average one banana produces an anti-electron in 75 minutes.
·         And just for the sake of the math let us take that 50% of the anti-electrons energy is absorbed to boil the water to produce steam. (The structure of the power plant would be basically the same as your normal nuclear power plant.)

After calculating on an average a banana would produce around 9.11*10^-31 W and to just produce 2000W of electricity I would need around 2.2 *10^20 bananas.
So to just produce 2000W of energy I would need more than 220000000000000000000 bananas, which I guess is more than the world’s production and is also pretty worthless considering the amount of energy it would produce. Also factoring the size you would require to build such contraption is just mind-blowing.
So maybe the humble banana is not so humble after all ………

Sunday 17 August 2014

Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind #1

  10 Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind #1
  1)  There exists a waterfall in Antarctica that is devoid of dissolved oxygen and containing high levels of Sodium and Iron, that when flows and the water interacts with Oxygen in air it turns Red making it look like its bleeding.

2) 30 feet underwater, no red light is available. Thus you bleed green.

3) After the extinction of the dinosaurs there was a species of turtle that was so large it could eat a crocodile.

4) Corn is a result of thousands of years of selective breeding by Native Americans. It was bred from a wild grain called teosinte, which is only a few inches long and barely edible.

5)  Spiders don't jump using muscles. Instead, they control the blood pressure in their legs like a hydraulic system to propel them upwards.

6) Fifteen percent-of the air you breathe in metro station is human skin.

7) Some Hiroshima survivors grew “black fingernails,” which were strange rod-shaped fingernails that contained active  blood vessels and bled profusely when they broke off.

8) If you have nerve damage to your hand, or other body part, it won’t wrinkle when submerged in water.

9) In 1833 a meteor shower occurred that was so intense that “the frequency of meteors was estimated to be about half that of flakes of snow in an average snowstorm.

10) As an experiment, Mass. transit police placed cardboard-cutout cops near two bike racks in Cambridge. Bike theft dropped 67% in a month.



Sunday 27 July 2014


What's better than to update my blog during exams.....
So guys, I have decided on 3 topics that I could post here after my exams, but you shall get to decide

1) How sweet is Candy Crush Saga?
2)Mars and the (maybe) near miss comet.
3)Any topic you like (You get to decide this one.)

So please comment and the winner shall be declared on 9 th of August 2014.

Dont be shy; Please Comment.  :D

Saturday 19 July 2014

Teleportation! Is the Future Here?


Getting late to go somewhere? Everybody has been in this situation where you're running late and just wanted to teleport there. I am going to discuss how teleportation could actually become a reality in the near future, and how would it work.

According to Wikipedia, Teleportation is defined as is the theoretical transfer of
 matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them.  Teleportation has always fascinated the Sci-Fi world like in 'Star Trek' or 'The fly' and other scientific geeks like me.


In 1993 Charles Bennett and an IBM research team confirmed that teleportation is quite possible. Hence in 1998, physicists at the California Institute of Technology (Cal tech), along with two European groups, made IBM's teleportation theory a reality by successfully teleporting a photon. They had sent the Photon 3.28 feet away, but like they suspected the original Photon no longer existed. The present record for photon teleportation is 89 mi. (143 km).

Teleportation is happening all around us all the time; it’s the teleportation of subatomic particles like Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons etc....... This type of teleportation is known as


The quantum foam or space time foam is basically how the space time field looks on a scale of 10^-33 cm or plank length if you want. At such small scales of time and space, the Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle allows energy to briefly decay into particles and antiparticles and then annihilate without violating physical conservation laws.

But why are we talking about this in the first place, Sahil? I hear you say. Well at this level stuff gets weird; the quantum field itself can summon particles at an exact place.

For example an Electron can be summoned at any point in the QF (quantum foam). It can even summon an Anti-electron, but you can't summon more than one at the same place.


As we have discussed above teleportation of a subatomic particle is fairly simple, BUT what if it were to teleport YOU. Well first of all this Teleportation machine would have to pinpoint and analyze every atom of your body and then recreate all of them at the place you want to go. Let’s just step away from teleportation for a minute now, and see how data is transferred over the Internet.

1) Your computer sends a request over to a server demanding the information you need.
2) At the server it shall fetch the files you need and label them, and send them in packets through the shortest route it can find.
3) These packets arrive at your computer in any order and rearrange them.

Now if we could apply this to teleportation, in theory we could teleport. BUT only in theory, suppose the machine makes a slight mistake and rearranges your DNA a micro meter out of place, you could end up with severe neurological or physiologic disorders.

Let’s forget about the mumbo jumbo I talked about earlier and go to another theoretical method of teleportation- Einstein Rosen bridges

Einstein Rosen bridges or Wormholes if you like are points that (randomly) appear in space and connect to points in the QF. If you have seen the movie 'Thor" where his father Odin sends him to Earth via a Wormhole , this wormhole is actually a lot bigger in size than a usual one. A typical wormhole is only as big size of the QF itself. Also they last for only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a second. The only problem is

Wormholes bring with them the dangers of sudden collapse, high radiation and dangerous contact with exotic matter.

Also temperatures near absolute zero would just more than freeze us; your atoms the things that make up you would stop moving completely making you into a Bose Einstein condensate.

There are many other problems with wormholes
The first problem is size. Primordial wormholes are predicted to exist on microscopic levels, about 10–33 centimetres. However, as the universe expands, it is possible that some may have been stretched to larger sizes.

Another problem comes from stability. The predicted Einstein-Rosen wormholes would be useless for travel because they collapse quickly. But more recent research found that a wormhole containing "exotic" matter could stay open and unchanging for longer periods of time.
Exotic matter, which should not be confused with dark matter or antimatter, contains negative energy density and a large negative pressure. Such matter has only been seen in the behaviour of certain vacuum states as part of quantum field theory.

If a wormhole contained sufficient exotic matter, whether naturally occurring or artificially added, it could theoretically be used as a method of sending information or travellers through space.
Wormholes may not only connect two separate regions within the universe, they could also connect two different universes. Similarly, some scientists have conjectured that if one mouth of a wormhole is moved in a specific manner, it could allow for time travel. However, British cosmologist Stephan Hawking has argued that such use is not possible.

Although adding exotic matter to a wormhole might stabilize it to the point that human passengers could travel safely through it, there is still the possibility that the addition of "regular" matter would be sufficient to destabilize the portal.
Today's technology is insufficient to enlarge or stabilize wormholes, even if they could be found. However, scientists continue to explore the concept as a method of space travel with the hope that technology will eventually be able to utilize them.

So guys until now teleportation is not possible and also may not be possible during our lifetime, but hey look at all the other things that we could possibly do now and in our life like following this blog etc.

Wednesday 2 July 2014



Getting late to go somewhere? Everybody has been in this situation where you're running late and just wanted to teleport there. So in the next post post I am going to discuss how teleportation could actually become a reality in the near future, and how would it work.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Everyone loves a good Audience..........

Even Bloggers do to . So anyone with suggestions for my next topic is welcome to send an email or comment on my blog. I do have a topic in mind so stay tuned for my next post..........

My email id : sahil2112.b@gmail.com

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Could Adamantium actually exist ?

Could Adamantium actually exist ??

The five materials which have come close to resembling the fictional metal from the Marvel Universe- Adamantium........

Here are some materials which have come close to resembling Adamantium

1) Titanium

Not only light weight but a very strong material. Titanium uses in the modern world are endless, from Aerospace industries to pipes to artificial knee joints......
Titanium is as strong as steel and really light.
Problem with Titanium......

It is very hard to extract from its natural ore. Which also is very expensive.

2) Tungsten 

This hard, dense and strong metal not only resembles the qualities of Adamantium but also has the highest melting point at around 3422 C. It would be the best metal to resemble Adamantium (also has a nice color too...).

Problem with Tungsten.........

It can be attacked by Oxygen and other gasses. If we ever had the technology to put Tungsten in Wolverine his bones and claws would react with the water in his blood !

3) Graphene
 Graphene the single atom thick layer of carbon atoms is really strong and flexible.This allotrope of carbon could be world changing in the coming years.

 4) Liquid metal

 There is a company called Liquid metal which produce an amorphous alloy of three metals (Beryllium, Zirconium, Titanium, Copper, Aluminium......only three at once). Its 2 times stronger than Titanium ......
Its used in cellphones currently....

Problem with Liquid metal
ITS MOLDABLE . Liquid metal is moldable and flexible. SO much for indestructibility.......LOL


5) Modumetal

 Modumetal is the next generation of steel. By using electroplating to coat metals and make them stronger , Modumetal is the closest we have come to Adamantium....

This is short video from is from Modumetal.com

Thanks for reading........

You can also suggest new topics to discuss on this blog.........

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Could Adamantium actually exist??

Could Adamantium actually exist??

Stay tuned to my blog as I am going to discuss about the 5 metals and alloys (and a non metal) which have come close to the fictional Marvel universe metal Adamantium............

Thursday 5 June 2014

Welcome to HyScience

Hello, Internet Surfers!
My blog HyScience will discuss about the science behind comics,everyday stuff and science fiction. I shall make a video for every topic I discuss so please do check it out....Hope you like my blogs and videos.

Until then...... Happy Surfing