Tuesday 11 November 2014

Underground Nuclear reactor.

Most of you guys may or may not know that i am crazy about nuclear radiation and nuclear physics. Also you might be wondering why haven't I made this blog about that. Well it was a bet with one of my friends and now I cant resist myself (and also lost the bet). Well that is going to be my next post........ Peace out!

Thursday 6 November 2014

Amazing facts to blow your mind #2

Amazing facts to blow your mind #2

  1.  Do you have blue, green or grey eyes? Then you also have a higher tolerance to alcohol.
  2. Hitler original plan After capturing Moscow was to convert it into a big lake.
  3. If you took all the DNA in your body and stretched it, it covers a distance of 10 billion miles. That's Earth to Pluto and back.

  4. Beer is safe to drink even after being exposed to nuclear radiation. Cheers!
  5. The smallest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar and lasted only 38 minutes.
  6. The word "dreamt" is the only English word to end in "mt".
  7. In Canada, the most productive day are Tuesday's.
  8. The first Internet domain was www.symbolics.com on March 15 1985.
  9. The longest English word without vowels is- "twyndyllyngs" which means "Twins"
  10. If we were to shrink the Earth's population down to a hundred, there would be only one person owning a computer.

Sorry guys I am alot busy these days so I couldn't get anything up.Any tips,suggestions or topics are welcome. Here's my Email if you want to email me: